23 Things You’re Doing That’s Making Your Home Look Cluttered

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Creating a harmonious and organized living space is crucial for both aesthetic appeal and mental well-being. However, despite our best intentions, certain habits and design choices can inadvertently make our homes look cluttered. In this blog post, we’ll explore some common mistakes people make in home decor, organizing, and decorating that contribute to a cluttered appearance.

  1. Overcrowded Shelves and Surfaces:

One of the primary culprits in making a home feel cluttered is the excessive display of items on shelves, tables, and other surfaces. While showcasing personal items can add character to a space, overcrowding can create visual chaos. Consider adopting a minimalist approach, showcasing a few carefully selected pieces and leaving ample negative space for a cleaner, more organized look.

  1. Ignoring Storage Solutions:

Insufficient storage is a major obstacle in maintaining an organized home. Investing in smart storage solutions, such as stylish baskets, cabinets, and shelves, can help keep belongings out of sight and reduce visual clutter. Make use of hidden storage spaces to maintain a neat and tidy appearance.

  1. Neglecting Functional Furniture:

Furniture that serves a dual purpose can be a game-changer in maintaining an organized home. Opt for pieces that offer storage, such as ottomans with hidden compartments or coffee tables with built-in shelves. This way, you can keep essential items close at hand while avoiding unnecessary clutter.

  1. Too Many Knick-Knacks:

While sentimental items and decor are essential for personalizing your space, too many small trinkets can quickly overwhelm a room. Be selective about the items you display, choosing those with personal significance and ensuring they complement the overall aesthetic of the space.

  1. Disregarding Vertical Space:

Maximize your home’s storage potential by utilizing vertical space. Install floating shelves or tall bookcases to draw the eye upward and create a sense of height in the room. This not only provides more storage but also adds visual interest without cluttering horizontal surfaces.

  1. Neglecting Regular Decluttering:

Regular decluttering sessions are essential to maintaining an organized home. Set aside time to assess your belongings, identifying items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy. Donate, sell, or discard these items to prevent unnecessary accumulation.

  1. Cable Management: Conceal and organize cables and cords to avoid a messy and chaotic look. Use cable organizers or invest in furniture with built-in cable management solutions.
  2. Rotate Decor Items: Keep your space fresh by periodically rotating decorative items. This not only prevents visual monotony but also allows you to showcase different pieces without overcrowding.
  3. Clear Countertops: Maintain a clean and clutter-free kitchen by keeping countertops clear. Store small appliances in cabinets when not in use and only display essential items for a sleek look.
  4. Mindful Decor Placement: Be intentional about where you place decor items. Avoid clustering too many decorative pieces in one area, and ensure they contribute to the overall balance of the room.
  5. Create Designated Zones: Establish specific zones for different activities, such as a dedicated workspace or a reading nook. This helps in maintaining order and prevents the entire space from looking cluttered.
  6. Streamline Furniture Styles: Opt for a cohesive and streamlined furniture style. Mixing too many design elements can create visual chaos, so choose pieces that complement each other for a more harmonious look.
  7. Use Multipurpose Furniture: Invest in furniture that serves multiple functions. For example, a dining table that can also be used as a workspace or a sofa with hidden storage compartments.
  8. Go Digital: Embrace digital solutions to reduce paper clutter. Scan important documents and store them digitally, minimizing the need for physical paperwork.
  9. Open Shelving with Care: If you have open shelving, arrange items thoughtfully to avoid a cluttered appearance. Use baskets or decorative boxes to corral smaller items and create a sense of order.
  10. Create a Display Gallery: Instead of scattering family photos throughout the house, create a dedicated display gallery. This can be an organized and visually appealing way to showcase cherished memories.
  11. Minimize Window Coverings: Choose simple and light window coverings to allow natural light into your home. Heavy drapes and dark curtains can make a space feel smaller and more cluttered.
  12. Utilize Under-Bed Storage: Maximize the space under your bed by using storage bins or drawers. This is an excellent way to keep items like bedding, seasonal clothing, or shoes out of sight.
  13. Uniform Hangers: Maintain a tidy closet by using uniform hangers. This creates a cohesive and organized look, making it easier to find and access your clothing.
  14. Declutter Entryways: Make a good first impression by decluttering your entryway. Designate a specific area for keys, mail, and shoes to avoid a chaotic entrance.
  15. Limit Decorative Pillows: While decorative pillows can add a pop of color, too many can create a cluttered look. Choose a few coordinating pillows that complement your overall decor.
  16. Organize Bookshelves: Arrange books and decorative items on bookshelves in an organized manner. Consider grouping books by color or size for a more cohesive appearance.
  17. Invest in Hidden Storage Ottomans: Use ottomans with hidden storage to store blankets, magazines, or other small items. This helps maintain a clean and organized living space.
  18. Minimize Tabletop Clutter: Keep tabletops clear by limiting the number of items on them. Choose a few statement pieces or functional items to maintain a clean and polished look.


Achieving a clutter-free home involves a combination of thoughtful design, smart storage solutions, and regular decluttering. By avoiding common mistakes like overcrowded surfaces and neglecting storage opportunities, you can create a space that is not only visually appealing but also promotes a sense of calm and order. Embrace a minimalist mindset, and let your home reflect a harmonious balance of function and style.

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